Cold Rolled Steel Vs. Hot Rolled Steel: Which Is Best For You

Posted on: 22 December 2015

When choosing steel for a job, make sure you remember that steel does come in different forms. A choice between cold rolled steel and hot rolled steel is likely one of the first differences you will encounter. Each of these options work best in different situations. Taking some time to learn about the differences between these two options can help you determine which one will be best suited for your needs.

Cold Rolled Steel

Cold rolled steel undergoes a rolling process that is completed at room temperature. Completing the process at this temperature is thought to preserve the strength of the steel and make forming the steel more precise. However, there is a drawback, cold pressed steel typically can only be designed with square edges because it doesn't have the high levels of heat necessary to make the steel more pliable, which is necessary for complicated manipulation.

If your product needs to be designed in a round or awkward shape, it would be more difficult to accomplish this. It's also important to note that cold rolled steel is often more shiny than hot rolled steel. For this reason, some people choose to use hot rolled steel for the inner layers of a product, and then use the cold rolled steel for the outer layer since it looks more finished and polished. If you are designing an object that needs to be tough and durable and not in an unusual shape, choose cold rolled steel.

Hot Rolled Steel

As the name suggests, hot rolled steel is rolled at a very high temperature. First, this makes the steel more pliable allowing you an almost endless number of possibilities when it comes to shaping the steel. Unfortunately, the hot rolling process has an effect on the structural integrity of the steel. Once the steel cools down it re-configures itself which causes the makeup of the steel to be looser than it was before the heating process.

This factor can make the steel less durable than cold rolled steel. Hot rolled steel also looks much different from cold rolled steel because it often looks dull when it is dried, which can somewhat make it look worn. Hot pressed steel is also more rough to the touch than cold pressed steel. If pliability and unique shape configurations are the most important factors, you want to choose hot rolled steel.

Make sure you are taking your time to choose wisely for the best outcome.
